
All I want for Christmas is the Xbox Series X Quick Resume feature | PC Gamer - razoriblits

All I want for Xmas is the Xbox Serial publication X Agile Resume boast

Xbox Series X
(Image credit: Future)

The Xbox Series X is the all but right games console ever made. I tested the machine back at launch to see how related Microsoft's new box is for PC gamers, but the only thing I miss sledding back to my PC full time is the outstanding Quick Re-start feature. That's the only feature with no PC same and IT's all I want from the Series X, everything other I'm happy to leave gathering dust on the shelf by my Telecasting.

So yeah, this year has not merely seen some of the best PC gambling hardware ever discharged—though completely impossible to actually bribe—but we've also had a whole new generation of consoles overly. Which are likewise unthinkable to buy. But despite complete that, and given the duration of time between the previous- and next-gen pseudo PC game boxes, this latest generation is a high point for umteen reasons.

Sony is funding its exclusive titles as the things to sway gamers the way of the PlayStation 5, and Microsoft seems keen to link up the PC and Xbox Serial publication X/S machines together in more ways than ever so before. Oh, and there's the fantastic DualSense controller too, which would make been another reason for opting for the PS5… if IT wasn't starting to be genuinely supported on PC.

Some new consoles too sport the latest in AMD's RDNA and Zen GPU and CPU technologies, and that means they're also the first consoles to support ray tracing, and the most inexpensive means of accessing that funky, sometimes freaky, lighting tech.

But one of the biggest things to make the new consoles stand out from any previous contemporaries is the level of storehouse both can offer. We're non talking about how many bytes they feature for you to jam your game disks into—the Serial publication S doesn't even possess disks :shocked_face_with_exploding_head: —we're speaking about how swiftly they can throw those bytes some.

Yes, the consoles have ultimately arrived in 2008 with solid state drives of their very own. How quaint. They're both utilising the latest PCIe 4.0 port, but that doesn't necessarily awful they'ray using the full potential throughput of that interface. Unlike the speediest PCIe 4.0 drives on PC the Series X and PS5 are only exploitation two lanes as opposed to the quaternion of the latest interface happening the AMD X570 and B550 chipsets.

We've checked out the congeneric execution of the next-gen consoles' SSDs compared with the Microcomputer, and were surprised that actually even aged SATA-based Personal computer drives behind keep up with the PS5 and Xbox SSDs.

SATA, NVMe M.2, and PCIe SSDs on blue background

(Project citation: Time to come)

Only forget all that, because the Ready Resume feature means I could care less about the actual pace of the Serial publication X's drive. It's a startlingly effective boast of the virgin Microsoft hardware and I fervidly Leslie Townes Hope it finds a agency to make it split up of the Windows ecosystem also. Essentially it captures the state of up to five different games in a pre-allocated infinite on the SSD, and means you can fleetly hop betwixt them without having to go through the rigmarole of a million different splosh screens before getting back to the action at the exact point you left.

The Speed Architecture is touted as the technical school behind Quick Resume, but really it seems very more than like an app-based hibernation, saved onto the solid state drive. Unequal when you put your Microcomputer to sleep, Quick Resume doesn't actually require the system to receive continual baron. You can unplug your Series X/S and when you power it back up you can jump back into a Quick Resume-saved game straight away.

In practice it takes to a lesser extent than 10 seconds to go from one gamey state to another, all without having to in reality 'load' the mettlesome in any conventional manner. This isn't exactly some completely revolutionary way to experience gaming, but it cursorily becomes a feature along the new Xbox that you absolutely miss when information technology's not thither. And that does still happen connected the Serial X/S because it's non actually available in every mettlesome.

Microsoft Xbox Series X exploded

(Image credit: Microsoft)

The current beta status of Straightaway Restart means that it was disabled from a bunch of set up games after a bug was discovered, merely subsequent system of rules updates are increasing compatibility. Microsoft is committed to sanctioning it along what it says are its 'most-played titles' and says that IT's "working all the the time to add Quick Take up support for more games."

And sometimes it didn't work 100 pct dependably in my own testing experience, now and then forcing me to sit through and through all the round loading screen shenanigans before gaming once more despite exiting a game I knew to have Quick Resume enabled. But those were rare occasions, and when it whole kit and boodle it's a authentically fantastic feature.

Everything else the powerful Series X can do, a quality play PC arse do as well, and many frequently than not do it better. But Quick Resume has no parallel on PC. I'm not sure if that's because the operating organisation doesn't have complete control complete your games within Windows, with a host of past stores looking after the actual booting and closing down of your games, but I'd love there to be some way for us to deal a percentage of our solid state drives for a similar feature.

It's not like games guide an eld to load up happening the best SSDs right now, only anything that takes a step out of the way can only be a boon. Microsoft has been making a lot out of the blurring of lines between PC and console, so now information technology'd glucinium nice if it put its dev where its mouth is.

Dave James

Dave has been gaming since the days of Zaxxon and Lady Bug on the Colecovision, and code books for the Commodore Vic 20 (Death Race 2000!). Atomic number 2 collective his first play PC at the tenderize age of 16, and at length terminated bug-fixing the Cyrix-based system some a year later. When atomic number 2 dropped it verboten of the window. He primary started writing for Official PlayStation Magazine and Xbox World galore decades ago, then moved onto PC Format full-time, and so PC Gamer, TechRadar, and T3 among others. Now he's back, writing about the alarming graphics card market, CPUs with more cores than sense, play laptops hotter than the sun, and SSDs more big than a Cybertruck.


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