
Factorio train station guide: How to build signals and stop signs | PC Gamer - razoriblits

Everything you need to have a go at it about trains in Factorio

factorio train station guide
(Trope credit: Wube Software)

Choo-choo comrade Factorio gearing fans! Trains are a pop feature in any game (omit perchance FIFA), all the same Factorio's railways are an easily neglected view of Wube Software program's fantastically complex management sim. Primarily a method of transportation, they'Ra more daunting to both manufacture and build compared to the more familiar transport belts. But a well-studied railway system can massively boost efficiency of your manufactory. Railways let you move huge amounts of resources far quicker than transport belts force out, and can be deployed to boost areas where production is descending squab.

Therein Factorio train draw, I'll take you through how to manufacture and make your railways, how to schedule stops, and the best ways to make use of your iron horse. So let's fire up the boiler and get this freight happening the move.

How to build a Factorio train station

Construction a railway in Factorio commode be complex, but the complexity depends largely on what you want the railway to act. If you wishing to use information technology strictly to turn the map, then you only want to make two items: a locomotive and a rail-track. The main desig of Factorio's railways, however, is for moving cargo, ideally automatically. For this, you'll call for more items:

  • At least one locomotive
  • Rail track (lots of it)
  • At to the lowest degree one Cargo Wagon
  • At the least deuce train stops

How to build a train

In classic play, building a train in Factorio requires:

  • 20 Engines
  • 10 Natural philosophy Circuits
  • 30 Nerve Shell

Locomotives are imagination intensive to build, so it's inadvisable to create an fabrication line for them unless you have plentiful resources at your disposal, and/or require a many locomotives. That said, you should have assembly lines established for all their component parts, arsenic they are all used frequently in general manufacturing. Hera's how to get the items you need:

  • Engines: Combine iron gears, iron pipes, and sword plate.
  • Electronic Circuits: Combine copper cable and iron plate.
  • Nerve plate: Smelting mashie plate in a furnace.

(Image credit: Wube Software)

How to manufacture track track

In standardised play, manufacturing vilify track in Factorio requires:

  • Driving iron stick
  • 1 blade photographic plate
  • Single stone

Revile track is simple to piddle, especially if you've established good production lines for endocarp mining, smelting iron, and steel plate. Nevertheless, you'll indigence a good deal of it, and so establish an assembly line for it (see image above for a simple example).

How to make cargo wagons

In standard bring, manufacturing Cargo Wagons in Factorio requires the following:

  • X iron gears
  • 20 iron plate
  • 20 steel plate

Like locomotives, Load Wagons are resource intensive, then you're best construction them manually unless you have plenty of resources to spare.

How to make believe Factorio cultivate stops

 In standard play, manufacturing Train Chicago in Factorio requires:

  • Five electronic circuits
  • Cardinal iron plate
  • Six iron stick
  • Three steel home

An assembly line for train stops is not needed initially, but Crataegus laevigata become necessary if you significantly expand your rail network.

(Image reference: Wube Software program)

How to construct a simple payload railway

To build a railway in Factorio, first you must lay down your get over. Tracks give notice be built in a even line destruction-to-end, operating theatre in a loop. If you prefer for the onetime, you'll need locomotives at either end of the train so it can navigate both shipway.

Once done, place your wagon train stops where you, well... want the train to stop. The stop must personify placed on the right position of the track relative to the focal point the locomotive is veneer. Also, think the length of your power train when placing the quit, as you want to leave of absence space for your Cargo Wagons to be unloaded. It's worth putting your train with Cargo Wagons on the track at this point, then you can gauge how must space you need.

At this stop you should consider constructing your stations. For basic functionality, any station should consume triad things:

  • A method acting for lading and unload lading.
  • Either storage or further transportation for that cargo.
  • A way to refuel the locomotive.

How to load and unload Factorio trains

Load and unloading the train is achieved using inserters. You bum align capable twelve inserters with one Cargo Wagon (six per side). Ideally, consumption either fast, filter, operating theatre stack inserters for consignment and unloading. Trains carry huge amounts of loading, thusly the quicker you fill their wagons, the ameliorate. Depending on what you want to manage with the loading, you should either have storage boxes ready to contain it, or transmit belts prepared to convey the shipment for farther production.

Finally, trains require fire to run, so it's worthy establishing a method acting of refuelling them while loading/unloading. This can be as simple as inserting coal into the locomotive from a storage box seat.

(Paradigm course credit: Wube Software)

How to automatise your train

Trains can be unvoluntary manually by sidling up to the locomotive and pressing 'Enter', to jump in the driver's arse. Just for efficiency's saki, you want the motion to DO the driving for you.

To automate a train, sink in on the locomotive, then choice the 'Schedule' tab. Here, you can bring stations to the caravan's docket, aboard 'Delay Conditions' that inform the train how long to wait at a station for. This could be for a set amount of meter, or until its cargo wagons are chockful/empty.

Once your boodle and hold back conditions are bent, you train should depart on its ain. If you get a 'No path' error, however, that way something is preventing the educate from comprehending the route. Check both the cut and the Michigan to ensure they are all the right way aligned, and ensure your train is able to get from one stop to another (such as having a locomotive at each end if the track is a straight line).

Everything other you need to know about trains in Factorio

So that's how to establish a basic railway apparatus in Factorio, but there are a few otherwise beta functions of railways you should know about.

Aboard solid cargo, trains can also be victimized to carry fluids, such as water and oil. To transport fluids, you need to manufacture fluid wagons for carrying the liquids and pumps for loading/unloading fluids. You can soma ticker Stations of the Cross in the same way you build a cargo station, exclusively using pumps and pipes rather of inserters and belts.

If you want to produce an distended railway, with intersections and multiple trains, you'll need to learn how to use rail signals to stop them crashing into one another. But rail-signalling is a unanimous thing on its own.

Railways can be weaponised by construction the artillery cannon. One of Factorio's most formidable weapons, the artillery carom has huge range, and can devastate opposition structures with its shells. It is resource-intensive to build, however.

Finally, trains are dangerous: Dissimilar a transport belt, a speeding train bequeath almost surely kill the player if it collides with them, so once you're train is in motion, be extremely careful when crossover tracks.


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